
Reaching families ONE student at a time!

Providing academic excellence with intentional discipleship throughout the whole school day

Our mission is to provide an education that is Bible-centered, college preparatory, and life-preparing, which leads students to a Biblical world view.

Open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is now underway.

Act now to ensure your child benefits from an exceptional Christian education!



OCS Annual Auction Dinner

Catered by Nextdoor Gastropub

Join us for our upcoming event

March 22nd

from 5pm to 9pm at Vern Burton

Garden Gala Volunteer Opportunities

Help the Auction Committee pull off our biggest fundraiser of the year!

Can’t make it on the 22nd? Help with setup on Friday the 21st and log parent hours!

Friday March 21st anytime between 10am-Noon and 1pm-4pm at Vern Burton

National School Choice Week

OCS has been awarded the Platinum All Star badge for participating in National School Choice Week for four consecutive years!

We partner with families to work with students wherever they’re at, spiritually and academically.

– Tiffany Gillespie, Principal

Parents are the key to a child’s success.

We believe that students succeed when parents play a role in their education. Find out ways you can partner with us to meet your student’s needs.

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of heaven.

— Matthew 19:14